Comments on Dire Straits Re-mastered LPs?

Are there any Dire Straits fans enjoying the Re-Mastered first two LP's done by Bernie Grundman and pressed at Pallas in Germany? I honestly believe this is the best the first two albums have ever sounded! I own the Warner Brothers domestic copies and the Vertigo British copies of both and these are superior. The vinyl is dead quiet, the mix excellent and the dynamics the best I have heard. Check them out. I can't wait for the next ones.
Theo- I think you're right that snagging Communique and Love Over Gold are the best bets. I for one loved Making Movies, but the mix was muddy and nowhere near the standard of the aforementioned masterpieces- in my opinion.
All Dire Straits LP's are digitally mastered. They sounded quite good and are cheap. What's the reason to go for the Reissues?

You might want to check your facts - the first three or four are most certainly analog through and through. I can't speak to the quality of the most recent reissues.
that is interesting. Thank you. My interest for Dire Straits started in the mid 90's and I think I got their remastered ones then from that time.
When I remember right (it is long ago) they promoted their records mastered digital...
Both Dire Straits and Communique recent vinyl releases are all analog and outstanding. Quiet pressings, very dynamic sound, deep extended bass. The jackets could be thicker, but could not ask for better mastering. Highly recommended. Looking forward to Making Movies and especially Love Over Gold