Fleetwood Mac

Best band ever?

Anyway, I've been listening to self title, Rumors, and Tusk repeatedly the past 2 years. Can anyone recommend the next step in Fleetwood fandom? I'm not a huge fan of live albums, but will venture in that direction if absolutely necessary, ie Johnny Cash.
I acquired my appreciation for Lindsey Buckingham's talent and key role in later FM when I first saw their live "The Dance" concert performance on DVD. He is a true musical dynamo on guitar!

FM has always been a very up and down band to me. Fantastic one moment, disappointing the next. They've always been that way as best I can tell. I have their 4 disc box set which is a nice but imperfect sampling. Even there, the ups are way up but there are a few tunes I find myself skipping through.
One more note:

Buckingham's "Live at Bass Performance Hall" is an outright spectaculat CD/DVD set and Fleetwood Mac's "Live in Boston" (also CD/DVD) is just a notch behind it.

ABBA? ABBA? ABBA?? They are not even the best pop band from Sweden.

Styx wasn't good, I'll give you that, but Abba? Really, Abba the best pop band ever?

Dude, plug in your copy of Mamma Mia and have another glass of whatever you are drinking.

There is this little band from Liverpool, it's in England. You should check them out.

Fleetwood Mac the best pop band ever, what have you guys been smoking?
The "little band from Liverpool"....I would not quite classify them as "Pop"....how about the ones who helped define rock and roll, acid rock, and yes, pop rock and others. Arguably, the greatest band ever. Just listen to the diversity of Abbey Road, Sgt. Peppers, The White ALbum, Revolver, and Rubber Soul. What other group has produced, written, arranged, and created that much. Fleetwood Mac was great, but not nearly as prolific, and diverse in musical style. Agreed, the band form Liverpool should be checked out....Thoroughly....Jallen
Check out the Mick Fleetwood Blues Band. You will hear a lot of their earlier songs including "Black Magic Woman" which was an original Fleetwood Mac song.