Have you heard Crystal Bowersox?

If like Janis Joplin or Bonnie Raitt and haven't been watching American Idol, you should go to YouTube and check out Crystal Bowersox.



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If Crystal Bowersox had been disqualified in the season that she has a great chance to win the show, would be a shame for all. Of course, this would have been a blow to Crystal, single mom with a desire for a great opportunity. It would have been a blow to the season 9 of "American Idol."
I don't usually watch Idol myself, but have heard her singing while my wife was watching the past few weeks.
I also agree that she is a "natural" and far more talented than most of the contestants I have heard on the show the past few years. If she does not win....SHAME on the judges and voting public!
I predict Bowersox has already won, a big recording contract at least. She really appeals to my college age kids and their friends, and I have to say I think her arrangements of old pop, r&b and rock classics sound really fresh, not dated at all. Last night she performed the Beatles "Come Together" on her guitar accompanied by... a didgeridoo. And it actually worked.

With the move towards allowing contestants to perform with their guitars or on piano, I find this seasons show to be much more interesting in general. It never held my attention before, but this year I can watch some of it and find myself curious to see what a few of the contestants are going to do next. The sixteen year old boy (who looks more like he is thirteen) actually has a great voice too.