New Tom Petty

Well, what do you think? Bought it last night, have'nt gotten to it yet,but from what I've read about it, sounds very interesting....
>>07-26-10: Rwwear
If Rap didn't have vocals and the dreadful thump, thump, thump it might be tolerable<<


There would be dead silence in that case.

Infinitely more enjoyable than listening to current and future criminals shucking and jiving.

Thump thump.
Bill, I think the program is to progress from ganster to rapper, not the reverse.
At first I didn't get it. I thought the songs were too simple and a bit predictable, and I wasn't prepared for their style or a lot of the country influences. But the more I listened (and later with the aid of a certain, ahem, mood affecting plant) I became enthralled with it. The most beautifully simple songs -- both lyrically and musically -- expertly written and played by pros who have obviously been playing together a while. Honestly, the music grooves in a way that reminds me of being on some sort of lazy trip. Very appropriately named album.

The guitar work is fantastic and really open and more raw compared to some earlier works. The rhythm section has never sounded better either. It sounds like they're all really having fun getting loose. IMO one of the best Petty albums ever.

Also, compared to a lot of the stuff out there currently, I think it's recorded rather well, as I believe most of the later Petty releases to be.

PS - another nod to She's The One soundtrack. A gem
I finally listened to the Bluray version of Mojo. I think the music is great especially First Flash of and Pirate's Cove but the sound quality is very good but not great. Gaucho on SACD, which I acquired at the same time, is much more impressive.
I'm real impressed that T.P. can put out his own blues without covering all the past stuff.It may not be perfect but he sure ain't scared to give it a try and that's what I like about it. It's refreshing and new. I've always been a Tom Petty fan so maybe I'm a little biased.