Brit singers late 80s-90s....roses, mondays, etc..

Wow what a low period for vocal pop groups...have you ever heard any live Stone ROses, Happy Mondays, or CHaralatans from this era? THese guys literally cant carry a tune...they must be tone teaf i suppose...but ironically some of the lps sound decent...must be studio trickery ala J.Leckie...ha....
You sure make it sound enticing ! Why bother to even try to get a snippet of these bands?
You are right. While the Happy Mondays were an excellent party band, Shaun Ryder spent most of the 80's and 90's tripping in one form or another. His voice is shot.
Phase, you could not be incorrect, they do carry tunes very well, its the way the songs sound best. Would the bands you mention (all mancs by the way) sound better with Pavarotti doing vocals? I think not.
Not asking for Pavarotti...just solid in tune vocals...when the vocals are so bad they interfere with the music there is a least Liam from Oasis can carry a tune ha! FOrgot one...BObby G from Primal Scream...appalling voice...I assume...outside of oasis...this is one main reason these bands never broke america...Swagger and starpower will only get you so far...u have to have some natural singing ability....