"You can't handle -- The Yanni at Mandelay "

Just got ahold of the Blu Ray "Yanni at Mandelay Bay!"

I have to pass on my thoughts to you great music lovers, audio & videophiles:

Simply the best music & video I have ever experienced:

Listen in Stereo with your sub
Video, lighting, graphics, stage,-- perfect
This orchestra led by Yanni sets the World Class Standard
The sound stage, instrument seperation & amplification is simply mesmerizing
They are all having fun & truly appreciating each others talent
Tracks 2, 6, 7, 10, 14 will absolutely show you the best your own personal system has to offer

I just had to share this with you:-)
It might be sonic heaven, but you would still have to listen to that god-awful music! That would be a shame...
Chasmal--unfortunately, even though we all have our own "favored" music genras, for you to call Yanni "god awful," actually "without question," proves that YOU don't really know what music is and are close minded enough to stay this way-- Genius of his level must be recognized simply from a creative, style, cynergy, appreciative, instrumental and musical artist perspective-- maybe you should stick to video games
Yes, if you want to find creative musical genius and original ideas everyone knows Las Vegas IS the epicenter. There's an obvious cynergy (sic) at work in that wonderful city w/ all the original architecture and other exciting new manifestations of artistic creation.
Chasmal, if you don't agree... you must be a closed (or close?) minded video game playing dolt. When Enya, Kenny G or John Tesh is playing and you're in the room it's obviously a case of pearls before swine.