The Wall: Roger Waters 2010

Many of you know that Roger Waters is doing a 100 stop 30th anniversary tour of The Wall this year.

Anyone been to the show yet?
Saw the show in Jersey. It was great. Highly recommended.
Good tickets were being scalped for under 40 bucks.
"Also, there was too much trying to appeal to the masses through words on screens and suggestions. Could have done with a simpler performance."Bjesien
Really? What a ridiculous observation.Could it be your political views did not match that of Roger Waters? Simpler performance??? The theatrics were mind blowing and made up 80% of the fun.
Dreadhead, my good frind Mike saw the show in NJ on November 3'rd and loved it.

Yeah, I agree fully with Roger waters and the political message but don't like to have one liners streamed in text trying to say how I should feel about something. Those texts, IMHO dumb down the performance aspect, or perhaps, and I hope, make the message more clear for lesser Floyd fans in the arena.

It's kind of like seeing a plastic "Buy local produce" bumper sticker on the back of a car. No shit, I think.

I agree the theatrics were awesome.
I went to the show at Madison Square Garden NYC about 8 weeks ago. What a phenomenal experience it was. There was simply so much to take in visually and audibly that if I could have I would have gone to the show again the next night. The quality of the audio was exceptional and the best I have heard in a stadium by some ways. The bass levels must have been sub audible as you 'felt' the sound. I'm pleased I took some ear pieces though as in the 2nd half a couple of the songs were played very loud. The projection quality was remarkable, the visuals fantastic and the props used in the show extra special. I liked the flying pig, the plane flying behind the stage and bursting into flames, the stormtroopers, etc. etc. I have been to a lot of live shows but this one probably is my favourite. Not for a moment would you believe that Roger Waters is 67! I actually thought he sounded better live than on recordings.... The only thing I missed was Gilmour playing...his 'stand-in' was just not the same. If you get the chance to attend this show I would not miss it.
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