The Beatles Mono CD Box Set

I just got the Mono Set from Amazon. Anyone hear upper end rolloff on some of the discs? I'm disappointed. Low end is weighty sometimes and sometimes not.
I love the Beatles, but I get kind of annoyed with some stuff coming directly form one speaker and other instruments coming from the other. For example drums and base from one side and voices and guitars from the other. Would I bet better off getting the mono versions?
"Would I bet better off getting the mono versions?"

If the unnatural stereo mixes of the older albums bother you , then yes. That material in particular sounds quite natural in mono with the new box set.
I think the mono box set is awesome. Has helped me appreciate both Sgt. Pepper and Magical Mystery Tour (never liked them previously). To me, these mono recordings, once you get used to their narrower soundstage width vs. the stereo versions, are wonderfully intimate and more believeable than the stereo versions. Though I do also still play the stereo versions in my truck or in the barn, where fidelity is not the main objective.