Have you been Shpongleized?

Since I started my quest for new music several years ago I've come across some very interesting music from Thievery Corporation, LCD Soundsystem, Bonobo, to name a few. However, I'm shaking my head over Shpongle's Nothing Lasts but Nothing is lost. This CD is nothing less than phenomenal. To write their music off as Pyschedelia does a disservice IMO. Has anyone else been turned on to these guys?
I've got a ton of stuff by Simon Posford aka 1/2 of Shpongle. My favorite thing he's ever done is his remix of Satellite Serenade. The recordings he has under the moniker Hallucinogen are more dancefloor oriented goa trance but still good and trippy.
HAH, huge fan, of the Shpongleland. Somehow it gets to my most played all the time music. Great imaging, energy. Never get tired of it. Just wish they'd make more. simon/rajaram are genius.
I had never heard of Shpongle before this thread, though I really like this genre. I ordered "nothing lasts . . ." and received it yesterday. I agree it's great, but I find some of the "eastern music" vocals mildly distracting. This is on first listen . . .

My general reaction is I find Future Sound of London, and Global Communication more interesting, but Shpongle is worth a try.
Bdgregory...listen to the one I mentioned above for some stuff Simon does more in line with FSOL/GC. Satellite Serenade-Saturday Mix. The EP he did was a split remix EP with The Orb.
I am now! It's kind of Mannheim Steamroller meets Tangerine Dream meets some Eastern trace music. I'm not sure I'm a fan yet but it's worth a listen. I'm only on my first trip through.

Thanx, Russ