Live vs. recorded

I'm wondering if others of you have a strong preference between live tracks or studio recorded versions. Obviously the quality of the recording plays a role. But for me, I would rather listen to a mediocre recording of a a live track than a higher quality studio track.
I have really enjoyed reading this thread. For me, I find an emotional connection to live music that I don't always feel from studio recorded tracks, even very well recorded ones.

Oddly, many of the artists who are well known for the quality of their studio works are the ones I enjoy listening to live the most. Diana Krall, Ella, the Eagles, Springsteen, Niel Young, among others. Don't get me wrong, I really enjoy the studio versions these artist produce and listen to them often but, bottom line, I get a stronger emotional reaction when listening to Niel Young sing "Helpless" on "The Last Waltz" vs the sound I hear on "Deja Vu."
I almost always prefer studio recordings. To me, they're a more accurate representation of the artists intent; and to my tastes, they sound better. On the occasions that I do like live recordings, it's usually because the recording was able to capture a special vibrancy in the performance that I attribute to a bonding with the audience.
Shadorne said "I suspect that many pop/rock bands simply cannot deliver the carefully crafted, dubbed and over-dubbed polished performances that you get on their overproduced studio productions. I also suspect there is some essence that is lost when stuff is overdubbed or people play in separate sound booths. Perhaps it is only me - but I hear something better when people are actually playing live....I am not sure why but something different occurs when people play live together - either it is in the acoustics or the way musicians play off each other - little mistakes perhaps - is this is why Sheffield Direct to Disc were so good?"

I say that you are absolutely correct sir, and much more so than you realize!

I work in live music. I do 100 to 200 shows a year. Just love the soundstage of good soundboard recordings--capture the air of the venue and the energy of band when everything is right.

Most official live albums are crap. Still, some bands are releasing non-compressed discs that have a special energy. I applaud Pearl Jam for releasing every 2000 tour date under simple mix conditions (200 plus shows)and Tom Petty's recent foray into Blu Ray.

I know of many live bootlegs that are superior to the band's best studio efforts. I have incredible discs by Midnight Oil, NIN, REM, the Replacements, the Clash, Bruce Springsteen and U2 that just crush the studio versions. These discs are always on heavy rotation because they remain fresh in my mind.