What about 7"45's anybody still listen to them?

I really like my old 45's,still have my 2 beatle 45's from 1964.I have a lot of 45's and a lot of them sound totally fantastic for 50 cents.I find I actually like the way they sound over some Lp's and almost all Cd's of the same thing.I never hear any talk about the lowly old 7" 45.My beatles I saw her standing there blows away the new cd.
Thanks Chadnliz,I'll have to go through my collection and see.Some of them can get real expensive.I stood next to a guy at a show and he was trying to get the dealer down to $500. for one Elvis 45.
I have hundreds of them that I play pretty frequently. Some are 7" EP releases or singles, others are just radio/juke singles. I like the format.

I keep them in the IKEA dvd storage boxes...fit about 50-75 in each box. I can carry a box of them down stairs and just sit in front of my kit flippin through them and putting them on the platter one by one. its a blast.
I Have about 8000 now , used to be triple that but that's a story for another day. Used to have 2 Phillips 212 tt then 2 312's into a sansui 717 with a double stack of advents. Heaven