Danny Boy - Recommendations

I have several versions of Danny Boy, but am looking for some really inspirational versions. My current favorite version is from Jhenna Lodwich on her All My Loving CD. If you do not know her, I would recommend you give her a try.

Any recommendations of your favorite versions would be appreciated. Please provide artist and album, if possible.

I don’t think that I’ve ever been unmoved by any rendition of the song, but Frank Patterson’s "Danny Boy" is legendary. His recording that I own is on the soundtrack of "Miller’s Crossing”. A search will turn up others.
Phaelon - I came across Patterson's version in my research. Really nice version. Thanks.
Al, thanks for the Paul Robeson reminder. My folks visited when my first good system was new. My mom is Welsh and has been a Robeson admirer since she was young, so I played my best Robeson vinyl for her (I have the Vanguard and some others). His Danny Boy is great and he also does a wonderful version of the Welsh classic "All Through the Night"; almost as good as my mom singing it in Welsh!
I checked out the John McCormack version; nice! I also found a good rendition by John McDermott and I definitely like the Frank Patterson.
In this more traditional vein, I was reminded of the Welsh/American baritone Thomas L. Thomas (The Voice of Firestone) who I grew up on. His "All Through the Night" is the best (in Welsh).