Marcin Wasilewski Trio

I just saw that the MW Trio will be releasing a new album, _Faithul_, in April. Eagerly awaited!
Thanks for the heads up.

A jazz piano trio recording I've listened to a lot lately is "Achirana." An ECM recording from 2000 by pianist Vassilis Tsabropoulos along with bassist Arild Andersen and drummer John Marshall. Recommended.
Nearly scored a Wasilewski disc a couple of times...heard him on a couple of Tomasz Stanko discs i think, looks like good stuff although some recent Stanko is maybe too good a cure for insomnia. On the Achirana... it sure doesn't hurt to have Arild Andersen and John Marshall... Some of that Soft Machine work puts J.M. in a very small group of peers. Haven't got Tsabropulos Triangle disc, hope it's as good as Achirana