Band with highest success/talent ratio?

Which bands do readers thinks have the highest success to quality ratio? In other words, which bands have been very successful yet deserve little success since their music is terrible?
I'll stir the pot right away with my #1 choice: Kiss. They were around for a while, made millions, dressed up in makeup because no one would've listened to them otherhwise, and maybe had one good song (but probably not).
My next choices would be Aerosmith and Dream Theater, although I'm not sure the latter were very successful. I hope not.
This thread is begging for someone to to wax philosophical on the meaning of success and talent ;o)
"Mapman, are you taking a swipe at Elvis?"

Hmm, no, but I suppose one could make an argument to earn him consideration.

He was not a "band" act though.

Neither is Yoko Ono or Michael Jackson.

I think "The Jacksons" would not warrant consideration for this particular notorious award.
Remembering that this a picks would be:

The Beach Boys
Barbara Streisand
The Osmonds
The Eagles - Pre Joe Walsh....good music, sure.....the best selling cd of all time.....not so much!

Nearly any 80's hair band.....take your pick