Best LP since Waters left Pink Floyd?

I know this is going be a contentious topic and open to opinion more than fact, but in your opinion what was the best recording to come out from a member of, former member of, or from Pink Floyd since Roger Waters left the band?

Everyone in the band has recorded solo LPs and Pink Floyd released two studio efforts... what did you like best?
Rcrerar, there are some inaccuracies on your post. While it is true that Roger Waters contacted Bob Ezrin about co-producing his upcoming work, there was no agreement between them. Waters didn't want to go to California to work and Ezrin's wife refused to uproot their children and move them to the UK. You are correct that the rift remains between Roger and Bob to this day though.

Bob Ezrin has never had anything to do with 'the Pink Floyd sound.' I think that has a lot more to do with the guys that Roger referred to as the muffins than anything Ezrin ever brought to the table. Rick Wright is way underrated when it comes to the source of the Pink Floyd sound.

The Pink Floyd sound is due to the band not Roger Waters lyrics. He is incontestably the better lyricist in, or out of the group, but I would disagree that Pink Floyd without Roger Waters is not Pink Floyd. The best recordings they made were group efforts. The worst recordings were things that Roger jammed down the throats of the rest of the band.

In regard to cohesiveness, I think The Division Bell sounds more like Pink Floyd than anything Waters has done on his own. FWIW I was listening to Amused To Death (on vinyl of course) while I posed this question. It was really the first time I thought about how recycled most of it sounded. His themes don't tend to wander too far from home. Most of the sound effects were done before, and the theme is a rehash of The Wall, and The Wall II (or The Final Cut). I think the imaging and effects on Amused to Death are one of the biggest reasons for its popularity among audiophiles.

I love to see the thoughts that people have, and there can't be a wrong answer when it comes to likes and dislikes...
Amused to Death is the best recorded "rock" album I have heard (IMHO). Not saying the music is the best although I like it. Many folks think it is too weird and depressing. I like the arrangements and fidelity. I honestly cannot stand Roger Waters as a person. Total socialist and liberal (to the extreme) and he hates the USA (govt) -- and he is a prick. I almost walked out of two of his shows because of his political posturing during the shows (equating Bush to Bin Laden and other bullshit). Funny, he is a total capitalist when it comes to taking money from fans for tours & albums (the Wall tix cost me $275 -- face value). Ironically, both shows were in the top 3 I have ever seen (the recent Wall Tour and the DSOM tour in 05). Gilmour's first solo album is fabulous although the CD was not close to LP in sonics (IMO). Momentary Lapse of Reason is excellent too.
I think The Division Bell sounds more like Pink Floyd than anything Waters has done on his own.
I agree. "Momentary Lapse" too. I like Waters' solo stuff a lot but don't think it's at all like Pink Floyd. When I bought Division Bell in the early '90's, I didn't realize Waters wasn't on it until about 6 months later (I was too busy with work and family thru the 80's and paid no attention to music news.
loved radio kaos when it came out and one of the finest concerts i have seen, but i really find quite a bit lacking in all of these efforts.