Best CD I've heard so far 2011.........

Sarah Jarosz/Song Up In Her Head
Like a breath of fresh air, just great!
I love the James Blake album. One of the most original albums to come out of the electronica genre. Equal to the recent albums by The XX and Burial at defining the London music scene.
The James Blake album is a hynoptic lullaby-- the best accompaniment to an afternoon cat-nap since Susanna "Flower of Evil".
Benny Green Trio "Source"

The Kills "Blood Pressures"
The Head & The Heart "Eponymous"
Noah and the Whale - Last Night On Earth

Fistful of Mercy - As I Call You Down

........both pretty good I think.
Rja (OP) - Sara Jarosz is in a feature story on NPR Music with links to two tracks from her new album released this month. Here's that link.