Best CD I've heard so far 2011.........

Sarah Jarosz/Song Up In Her Head
Like a breath of fresh air, just great!
Warren Haynes-Man in Motion; perhaps a bit compressed dynamically, but great songs and playing.
James Vincent McMorrow "Early In The Morning"

A highly recommended singer/songwriter effort from this Irish artist I think we will be hearing a lot more of. He recorded this by himself over 5 days in a cottage by the sea. Fans of Bon Iver + Iron & Wine will likely connect and find great joy in this music. Check out track 7, Follow You Down To The Red Oak Tree and track 8, Burning Down the Ropes. This album has become a favorite of mine, I cannot recommend it highly enough.

On the complete other end of the spectrum, some rap and R&B. 2 free mixtapes available for download at these artists websites:

The Weeknd "House of Balloons" - Very cool indie R&B stuff.

Big K.R.I.T. "Return Of 4Eva" - Laid back southern rap with big time mix talent.

Both of these are only available in mp3 format (free download) but sound pretty damn good. I found them in Pitchforks recommended new music and fell for them both right away, especially KRIT. I do realize there are many rap haters here but some fans linger amongst us too! I don't get most of the stuff thats out there these days but a rap artist will come along here and there that just hits me right. My wife loves this one too.
richard stacy, that weeknd disc is very cool (as well as free). thanks for the heads up.
The Scenic Route, by the Galen Kipar Project. It's a "small" release from mid-2010. I suppose you might call it Americana with a bit of jam-band sensibility. Musically interesting and fresh, plus memorable songs.