Thanks Bongo, appreciate the encouragement. It's always been a joy to share music ideas with like minds, I enjoy your suggestions as well. I say it all the time here but this era is a special one for music. There is way more incredible stuff out there than I'll ever have the time to hear and even with the stuff I do, I post a pretty small segment of my faves. It's hard to gauge how far guys around here are willing to move off the mainstream. Heck, there are a bunch of great new rap albums I've been into lately but I don't think I have ever seen any rap recommended on this site. When it is brought up, sadly it's bashed and guys start to sound exactly like my Mom circa 1975!
Anyways...keep your recommendations coming and if you enjoy that Shackelton/Pinch record check out Shackelton's Fabric mix (I think it's Fabric 55 but not certain), his album titled 3EP's or the harder to find Soundboy Get's His Nut's Ground Up Proper EP (Skull Disco 3)...a personal fave. Another cool artist just a step beyond that is Senking, his album Pong being a good starting point (on Raster-Noton, a very interesting label). Senking gets much play in my home. If you do give them a go, let me know what you think.