Best CD I've heard so far 2011.........

Sarah Jarosz/Song Up In Her Head
Like a breath of fresh air, just great!
Really like the new Horrors Skying and Jonathan Wilson's Gentile Spirit albums. Nice retro sounds. The Horrors sound like classic Simple Minds and Wilson recalls the CA singer songwriter period.
I wore that Horrors album out...good stuff. More of a Psychedelic Furs sound than what I'm used to from them.
Rja - Thanks for starting this wonderful thread. Thanks to many (Richard Stacy) for the great suggestions. Just listened/watched the You Tube video of Deep Dark Woods doing Ballad of Frank Dupree. Love their sound and feel. Love those hollow bodies and that Hammond. Great stuff.
If you like jazz guitar, another CD I found and really liked in 2011 was Jonathan Kreisbergs "Shadowless". Very nice IMO.
Another CD I found in 2011 is "The Green Children". Not my style but I like it anyway! 8^) I believe they only have one CD out but many downloads are available.