how do you pick your next music?

Most audiophiles have a lot of music, and I find myself more often than not going back to the same 100 or so LPs or CDs... so how do you pick what you're gonna listen to next, or is it just a whim?
mine is mood dependent, which is time of day dependent. Sometimes I will decide to look for something I haven't played in a long time just to freshen up the rotation.
I usually get prompted by something I hear on the college radio station I favor and go look for something similar.

I sometimes go thru old CDs and it is like going to a music store, selecting music that I have only heard once and long forgotten. It can be fun!
I, like Ahendler, have my music disorganized, so when searching for something I find others that will get playtime that normally would never have been looked at. But I find I have bought multiple copies because I'm not sure I have a copy or not. Better to be safe and buy a copy and have two, or three....