Pink Floyd

I see that all/most of Pink Floyds catalog is being re-mastered and scheduled for release later this year. Any news or insights?
This is one band that has been so overexposed who could blame all the yawns? Its a money grab that I am not going to contribute to.
I'd have thought that Tull and Floyd were equally accomplished in the art rock genre of "dirges." At least that's the impression I got from constantly hearing tracks of Aqualung, when I listened to FM radio.

Just heard a funny story about Ian stopping play in the middle of a song to yell at a woman who had gotten up to go pee. Apparently, only allowed between songs . . . . Whatever you say about the music, one thing I liked about Dead shows was being allowed to answer the call as needed ;)

To each their own, of course!


Ironically, Pink Floyd will probably live on for a long time like the Beatles in that they have a core set of compositions that will continue to appeal to new youths over time while the aging original fans lose interest somewhat compared to other music that may hold more meaning to elders and age well in that regard. I think new releases down the road will target and appeal more to the young than codgy aging audiophiles. So kudos to PF for that in addition to all the enjoyment I have reaped from their music over time, even if that is somewhat waning these days.

I think the Grateful Dead will prove to be more dated and be more of an endangered species as time moves on. Just a hunch though....