YouTube Favorites to share.

As some of you already know, I'm a big fan of YouTube. Just the other night, I went there while on the phone with a new girl friend, sharing some favorite music of mine. She was pretty stunned at some of the beautiful music that she'd never heard before--that got me to thinking.
I'm going to list a couple of really great YouTube experiences for you guys and gals to peruse...maybe we can all find new music together. BTW, YouTube is a great place to 'check out' new performers that I read about here, so I can gauge if in general, their particular 'sound' is something I might like.
Here are just a couple to start with--it would be great for everyone to throw in the exact names so we can all share.
Please note--there may be multiple 'versions' so also include the video 'clue' of what picture shows up on the one you're reccommending so we'll all be on the same page.

Nancy Wilson 'Guess Who I Saw Today'
It's the one that shows a black and white of a glass or martini glass on a table...starts in a '50's scene of a husband coming home...Wonderful video and music, with a 'twist'.

Nancy Wilson Cannonball Adderley 'The Masquerede is Over'
The Album cover shows, Nancy in a yellow dress standing next to Cannonball, holding his Alto Sax. No video, but maybe some of the most lyrical piano work I've ever heard by Joe Zawinul.

I'll bow with just this these and wait to hear from others. This should be loads of fun and a great way to help us all share our love of music and performances.

Good listening,

Any & all by these guys.Andy McKee & Andantel Largo

Great thread!!
I like to use YouTube to find music I've totally forgot about, or never heard. One big problem I've run across a lot times is Sony, WMG blocked a lot of them do to copyrights. Yes they've bought some of these for almost nothing, from what I was told, and now own them. The way I think about is, it's good for people like me to find music I like, and then try to buy a good sounding copy, paid download, or whatever it takes for something of usable quality to listen to. You could make a copy of what is there, but the sound is to bad to describe. Anyone to cheap buy a good copy most likely won't, if they can handle listening to a free copy. Also those people will probably find a way to get it for free, no matter how low the quality is. I am tired of buying records, CD's without hearing them first. A lot of money wasted making them richer, with the way they do business. I also thought this law applied to them, since people post all kinds of comments there. Link for fair use laws.[
Here's another I like a lot. I search Youtube to find backing tracks to play guitar along with. This one is one of the great all time Jams:

Tom Petty and the Heart Breakers - "Melinda"
My fave Grateful Dead on YouTube

For a little comic relief, meant to put this at the end of my Tom Jones post above (wish we could edit posts):