Music as transportation and time machine..

One car in the driveway, another car, four motorcycles, and seven bicycles in the garage and still my favorite means of transportation is music in the living room. I hope the rest of you enjoy traveling the world through music as much as I do. Small club, big hall, foreign and domestic, ancient and current etc. Safer than a motorcycle! Anybody happen to listen to Paul Simon's first solo album lately? I love "Armistice Day". The rest of it, too. One of my first (and still) favorite albums.

How many favorite albums is too many?
I don't even need music for this kind of travel. But music can help do it, I agree.
Amen to that. Each song can take you somewhere. And yes Paul Simon's new album is very impressive, I definetly hear that connection to Graceland mentioned in some reviews. He really is a talented artist with a long and creative career. I'll bet each of his songs take him to some interesting places.