"Paper Airplane"

Dear Alison,
I love you. Your body of work is what dreams are made of. I'm sorry to say that, while mere mortals, such as I, could ever dream of being able to obtain your level of perfection, I am feeling that PA is not up to your previous standards. While everyone's performance is excellent, the (magic) that we have come to expect, isn't there the way it was previously. The sonics, while they are very good, aren't up to the standards set by all of your previous works. Forgive me, I'm still a huge fan. My best.....
I also see AKUS in Portland a week ago & the performance was outstanding. Paper Airplane the recording might not be quite up to her others but the material in my opinion certainly is.
While my comments stand regarding PA, I most definitely agree that live, they're musicianship, cohesiveness, etc. is incomparable.
After reading this thread, I compared PA (which I agree doesn't quite grab you) to the excellent New Favorite. After doing so, I agreed that the recording on PA (CD version) was lacking, but couldn't say exactly why. What don't people like about it?


PS: AKUS fans may enjoy Sierra Hull, who I think Alison may have produced.

I saw AK with US a few years ago. Top notch band with Jerry Douglas? What could be better? I recommend "Best Kept Secret" by Douglas with lots of guest talent. Follow to The Tedeschi Trucks Band. This is getting away from bluegrass, but great music.
Getting back to bluegrass, I really like Del McCoury's new release.
A really interesting mix of bluegrass and other styles are a couple favorites by The Duhks, the self titled, and "Migrations". Both cds offer nice production/sound.
Dear Alison,

I love you too and I disagree with the above posters. I was very excited when I heard that your latest cd was soon to be released. I didn't listen much until after I saw you and US recently in concert in Berkeley. The concert was excellent as is "Paper Airplane".

I appreciate others' recommendations.