Born with a defective part. Never asked for it and am not responsible for Adam's screw up. How in HELL can a loving God have a place where He will not be found and where His image and likeness does not dwell and people end up there. I would take God to court and prosecute Him and win going away on grounds of injustice.
With that He has found a way on dealing with the broken down part we were all born with a that being a seed that rejects and can not perceive
Christ the Son comes with a new seed that when sowed in death reaps after it's own kind and brings forth resurrection from the dead. Now the message is what I call seed exchange. The old corrupted seed for His incorruptible seed. Now I would lose in court as the defense will bring out Christ the redemmer as the answer to the sin/ sickness/ death issue.
Rejecting God's Son leaves one defeated in court and every one of us will end up In His court room just as Amy has just entered in her passing.
Deep $hit I know but dam at least be open to revelation on the Kingdom of God. Chad is an example that while he may not agree or see what I am saying he seems open to deep chats about.... Subject and not stereotypeing me. Meeting me would not cause one to throw me in a
religious circle.
Born with a defective part. Never asked for it and am not responsible for Adam's screw up. How in HELL can a loving God have a place where He will not be found and where His image and likeness does not dwell and people end up there. I would take God to court and prosecute Him and win going away on grounds of injustice.
With that He has found a way on dealing with the broken down part we were all born with a that being a seed that rejects and can not perceive
Christ the Son comes with a new seed that when sowed in death reaps after it's own kind and brings forth resurrection from the dead. Now the message is what I call seed exchange. The old corrupted seed for His incorruptible seed. Now I would lose in court as the defense will bring out Christ the redemmer as the answer to the sin/ sickness/ death issue.
Rejecting God's Son leaves one defeated in court and every one of us will end up In His court room just as Amy has just entered in her passing.
Deep $hit I know but dam at least be open to revelation on the Kingdom of God. Chad is an example that while he may not agree or see what I am saying he seems open to deep chats about.... Subject and not stereotypeing me. Meeting me would not cause one to throw me in a
religious circle.