Walter - it's been way too long since I've seen Five Easy Pieces but I'll take your word and offer my apologies for that one.
"Clyde", Richard? You makin' this up? I haven't heard of it and couldn't find what you are talkin' 'bout on IMDB. You're chuggin' down those Mickey's Big Mouth's a bit quickly. Shark Week will do that. Did you get the addresses for Erndog and Nebin yet. When you're done with them head on over to ChetAtkins place - oh, wait Cotton Club neutralizes his mention of Full Metal Jacket. I guess we'll hold off there. Though he did put some stress on the soundtrack...yeah, get the address and I'll mull that one over.
NO SOUNDTRACKS!!!!!! I am not interested in great soundtracks here. Movies that are compelling enough for you to recommend that include music as part of the actual story content of the movie. I don't care about the soundtrack - it could suck, or it could have none at all.
"Clyde", Richard? You makin' this up? I haven't heard of it and couldn't find what you are talkin' 'bout on IMDB. You're chuggin' down those Mickey's Big Mouth's a bit quickly. Shark Week will do that. Did you get the addresses for Erndog and Nebin yet. When you're done with them head on over to ChetAtkins place - oh, wait Cotton Club neutralizes his mention of Full Metal Jacket. I guess we'll hold off there. Though he did put some stress on the soundtrack...yeah, get the address and I'll mull that one over.
NO SOUNDTRACKS!!!!!! I am not interested in great soundtracks here. Movies that are compelling enough for you to recommend that include music as part of the actual story content of the movie. I don't care about the soundtrack - it could suck, or it could have none at all.