Great films where music is a central theme.

I'm a film lover for as long as I can remember. There's nothing like a film that combines my passion for music and film. I'm going to leave out concert films from this, as there are plenty of threads on that. Lets stick to other films - dramas or documentaries - that use music as a central theme, or have it as a key element in the narrative. Here are a few of my own favorites to get the ball rolling.

As it is in Heaven
The Bands Visit
Schultze Gets the Blues
Troubled Water (the Erik Poppe film)
Sweet and Lowdown
'Round Midnight
I'm Not Here


Throw Down Your Heart
The Devil and Daniel Johnston
Lets Get Close (Bruce Weber)
Buena Vista Social Club
Bob Dylan: Don't Look Back
Leonard Cohen: I'm Your Man

So it's really could be split into two threads; Narative films and Documentaries. But lets try leaving it open to both, just no concert films. What are some of your favorites?
Walter - it's been way too long since I've seen Five Easy Pieces but I'll take your word and offer my apologies for that one.

"Clyde", Richard? You makin' this up? I haven't heard of it and couldn't find what you are talkin' 'bout on IMDB. You're chuggin' down those Mickey's Big Mouth's a bit quickly. Shark Week will do that. Did you get the addresses for Erndog and Nebin yet. When you're done with them head on over to ChetAtkins place - oh, wait Cotton Club neutralizes his mention of Full Metal Jacket. I guess we'll hold off there. Though he did put some stress on the soundtrack...yeah, get the address and I'll mull that one over.

NO SOUNDTRACKS!!!!!! I am not interested in great soundtracks here. Movies that are compelling enough for you to recommend that include music as part of the actual story content of the movie. I don't care about the soundtrack - it could suck, or it could have none at all.
Ummm... that's no impact driver big boy.

As long as you know how to use it when you get to their homes. I hope you're keeping a list now.
Ha! I am spaced. I meant Cyrus.

Speaking of soundtracks, I just remembered a whole list of great soundtracks! Great thread Marco! I love soundtracks!

Wait...a great white is breaching on a seal...gotta run...
Risking the wrath:

To Live and Die in LA (Wang-Chung)
Bonnie and Clyde (Flats and Scrugs)
Blade Runner (Vangelis)
U.S. Marshalls
