Allen Toussaint album: The Bright Mississippi

I just wanted to call attention this 2009 album I heard on the radio today. Very beautiful music that I find too little of.

From allmusic:
including clarinetist Don Byron, trumpeter Nicholas Payton, guitarist Marc Ribot and, on a track a piece, pianist Brad Mehldau and saxophonist Joshua Redman -- to support the pianist (Toussaint) on a run through jazz standards ranging from Duke Ellington and Django Reinhardt to Louis Armstrong and Thelonious Monk, whose 1963 classic provides the album its title.

Give it a listen and enjoy!

A true living legend for sure. I saw him open for Neil Young in November of last year,fantastic show.
It's a beautiful record (I own it) BUT....I saw Allen Toussaint on HBO's Treme, he was featured in a segment where he was recording some classic New Orleans 'hits'. Tellyawhat, I'd pay money for THAT recording!!;)
I will look for that episode of Treme Chazro.

Martykl, SQ = sound quality? I presume...

I was thinking about The Bright Mississippi album and noticed I did not give my own two cents. It occured to me the beat is a bit reminisent of Tom Waits (of course these musicians hold their own nicely) and the music is dripping in atmosphere. I love the variety of instruments.

This is my first exposure to Allen and I was a bit surprised to find his other albums are quite different. They seem a bit more rockin with a slight pop quality. It does not take away from the fact that he is very good on piano no doubt.