Allen Toussaint album: The Bright Mississippi

I just wanted to call attention this 2009 album I heard on the radio today. Very beautiful music that I find too little of.

From allmusic:
including clarinetist Don Byron, trumpeter Nicholas Payton, guitarist Marc Ribot and, on a track a piece, pianist Brad Mehldau and saxophonist Joshua Redman -- to support the pianist (Toussaint) on a run through jazz standards ranging from Duke Ellington and Django Reinhardt to Louis Armstrong and Thelonious Monk, whose 1963 classic provides the album its title.

Give it a listen and enjoy!

A true living legend for sure. I saw him open for Neil Young in November of last year,fantastic show.
It's a beautiful record (I own it) BUT....I saw Allen Toussaint on HBO's Treme, he was featured in a segment where he was recording some classic New Orleans 'hits'. Tellyawhat, I'd pay money for THAT recording!!;)
I will look for that episode of Treme Chazro.

Martykl, SQ = sound quality? I presume...

I was thinking about The Bright Mississippi album and noticed I did not give my own two cents. It occured to me the beat is a bit reminisent of Tom Waits (of course these musicians hold their own nicely) and the music is dripping in atmosphere. I love the variety of instruments.

This is my first exposure to Allen and I was a bit surprised to find his other albums are quite different. They seem a bit more rockin with a slight pop quality. It does not take away from the fact that he is very good on piano no doubt.
The Bright Mississippi is considered Toussaint's 1st Jazz record. For those not familiar with the recording, it's NOT a standard ol' school Jazz record. A beautiful recording, intelligently written and played. A bit on the somber side, but beautiful nonetheless.

The Treme episode I mentioned earlier featuring Toussaint (he actually cameo'd on a few episodes!) was Season 1, episode 10 "I'll Fly Away" (if you got HBOGO you can watch it right now!). Treme gets my vote as the best musical televison show EVER!
Allen Toussaint was also on a PBS show. It was either Soundstage or Austin City Limits. I think it was Soundstage. He played some songs from the Bright Mississippi album. Watch for the replay.