Female Jazz Singers...new person/new releases...

I must admit my collection is dominated by Jazz and my Jazz collection is dominated by female vocals....and it's exactly the way I want it.

The question is...I have most of what the greats did, Dinah, Sarah, Ella....etc...and many current ones...esp. Krall...so, can anyone suggest some current releases...for a bit of the Classic/Standards type of female Jazz vocals? I do not mind big band type of backing...but lean twoards small groups with minimal electronic manipulation...esp. a lack of reverb on the vocals...

Here are two strong recommendations that I haven't seen listed yet: Valerie Joyce "New York Blue" (a Chesky recording) and Nikki Yanofsky, "Nikki." Both beautiful young women with beautiful voices.
I second Connie Evingson: check out her covers of Peggie Lee standards.

I just ordered some Hilary Kole and from the samples, she sounds fantastic.
Can't wait to hear her CDs when they arrive.
Jacintha, Holly Cole, and maybe not quite what you're looking for but check out Cat Power "Juke Box".
Any online site I can listen to Cat Powers? I cannot do amazon as I do not like all of the tracking cookies Adobe puts on your p.c. I would like to use Windows Media Player. Any thoughts?
