What are the "must have" HD Tracks albums?

HD Tracks is having a 20% off sale and I am wondering what recordings are worth buying from HD Tracks. I have read that there is a real range in the quality of the HD Tracks recordings and I wanted to make sure I only purchased the recordings that are worth the price premium of HD Tracks. I was thinking of buying the Marvin Gaye Collection and REM's Out of Time. Are there any others that are particularly recorded well in the HD format?
I agree. I find digital now is coming into its own realm again as state-of-the-art techniques move out of the pro studio and down to the end consumer.
I've been on a hi res binge all day today. Updated some software and things are running better then ever regarding hi res. after breathing a sigh of relief for the upgrade working, I ment to listen for an hour or two just to confirm all was well. That was seven hours ago. Am still listening as I type. Have no idea when i'm gonna crash tonight but it's not gonna be early. At the risk of using a word that is WAY over used.....it sounds amazing!. Will leave it at that. If this stuff isn't a game changer for digi audio, I don't know what will be.

With streaming....I'm a pig in slop! =)
Great to hear Levy03!.......If you go to Enjoythemusic.com they indicate there is another 20% sale on now. I plan to pickup the Charlie Brown Christmas release....
Has anyone noticed that some of the HDTracks songs are mixed much different than the redbook version? Specifically on the Seal Best 1991 - 2004 album at the 4:32 mark of the song 'Don't Cry', the backup vocals are almost non-existent. It sounded as if I was missing a channel so at first I thought it was my equipment or my Pure Music player software. I then played the redbook version and the backup vocals re-appeared. I noticed some other slight differences in some other Seal songs on this HDTracks album. Does anyone know if this is this common to have differenct mixes on HDTracks songs compared to the redbook versions?

BTW, the Rolling Stones Hot Rocks and the Animals Retrospective are a must for British rock enthusuasts. I'm not a big Stones fan, but the sound quality of the songs on the Hot Rocks album are worth having and the selection of Stones songs on Hot Rocks is terrific compared to all the other Stone's fodder albumns HDTracks has for sale. Also if any of you were disappointed for many years with the quality of the redbook version of the Who's Tommy, download the HDTRacks version and you'll be amazed at the difference.
