Pink Floyd Dark Side comparison?

Has anyone heard or compared the MFSL version of Darkside (released inthe 80's I think) vs the new re-master by Jamse Guthrie in the EMI "Discovery" or "Experience" editions CDs?

The newer versions are a lot cheaper and may benefit from todays more advanced technology, but MFSL versions have been reference standards for years.

I am looking to pick up one or the other so any input would be appreciated.
Just occurred to me rereading the entire thread that there are two discussions going on: one is the mix, if you like the old (Alan Parsons) vs new (James Guthrie), and two: which lp transfer got it closer to the master tapes of the Parson's mx. I am betting viridian has it right on the old mixes. Now I would like to know how good the new Guthrie remixed remastered LP is in the Immersion set of Dark Side. If anyone has heard that, speak up!

You all have heard the SACD Dark Side in 5.1? Like yes/no?


We are talking CD, not LP FYI.

My post got started because I wanted to replace my 80's US version of Darkside with either the new remasters from Guthrie or the MSFL re-master. Due to the cost, I just decided to order the re-masters and listen to them vs the 80's version. If I like them I may stay fat dumb and happy. The MSFL version is a bit pricey, even used (new is just insane) and unless it stands up and walks on water vs the new re-masters, I don't think I'll bite. I also want the other versions of Wish You Were Here, Animals, and the Wall so getting the re-masters makes some sense due to their consistency.

The other option is the Japanese SHM versions but they are also out of print and quite pricey. But no doubt sound very good.
also...the experience ed.comes with stellar show @wembley 74....ive had fm copy for years so this is a nice upgrade
Well, I had a chance to compare the new Guthrie remaster with my original 80's issue, and was somewhat dissapointed to find out the 80's issue still sounds better. Detail, sounstage, and air is better on the original. You can more clearly hear the dubbed in voices and their position in the sound field is more precise, as are attacks on drums and guitar strings. The dymanic range is broader, with the impact of the bells and chimes significantly higher in level. Its like they were using more compression in the re-master. I was surprised to say the least, as I had exactly the opposite impression of Animals. My 80s version is almost unlistenable compared to the 2011 re-master.
Puzzled, which was better, 80s or new version? At the beginning you state the 80s is better but at the end you say the 80s is unlistenable compared to the 2011 remaster?
I'm sure there is a typo somewhere?s