Best sounding Santana debut and 3rd album

I'm planning to add these to my cd collection and of course there are reissues/remasters out there. Can anybody recommend an issue that has better audio quality over the others?
I owned the Columbia Mastersound gold CD and it was mixed way to hot. I traded it in. I have Santana/Santana on a MFSL vinyl but haven't opened it yet.I have Abraxas on MFSL vinyl and it sounds real good but there are probably better sounding vinyl copies out there these days.
The first album is unique in that it has no compression introduced as part of the mixing process. Very interesting to test volume control with this one, as it seemlessly builds. I have heard it through ATC 150s at 103 to 112 decibels and it is quite stunning at full volume. As such, I love the original issue, from 1969, in vinyl.
I have them both on multiple formats including vinyl...the debut on Columbia masterworks gold cd is very good...the lp is a tad muddy for my tastes...that being said...3rd lp and abraxas orig lps are stunning and plentiful

Onhiwy61, I cleaned and shined my "Welcome" Santana LP in order to hear "Flora Purim". She sounded so young and fresh, I hardly recognized her. It was also nice to hear Leon Thomas on that same LP.

Thanks for a good "heads up".