Double blind test on Strads

It's why as an audio nerd I was so fond of blind tests (as are a number of UK magazines). Sometimes, what we think we know isn't what we in fact know.

The points about concert hall projection are certainly valid. A point could also be raised that more experienced violinists know how to extract the maximum from an instrument, in the way that a great guitarist can make an instrument do things that a less-skilled player can't.

But these violinists were performing in an international competition (most likely the International Violin Competition of Indianapolis), so it isn't as if they were sucky players.

As usual, both sides will take from it what they need, and agree to disagree. But stories like this are always fascinating for what they say about expectations. And the parallels to the audio hobby are abundant.
It's great to see that todays violin makers are able to produce excellent sounding instruments at an inexpensive price point comparatively. Good news for all violinists/violists that want great sound but don't have the megabucks to spend.
I think that most people's judgement is affected if they know what the "correct" choice is supposed to be. It's not that these people are stupid or dishonest, it's just human nature. Perception is affected by many factors other than the physical object or effects being judged.

I can understand that audio reviewers wouldn't want to do every review blind but I think it would be interesting if they were given a blind test every year or two.