2012 Discoveries

What new artists or music are you discovering in 2012 ?
I am always searching for new leads here and elsewhere.
Harry Manx may not be new to you but he is to me and I recently bought his album 'In Good we Trust' -- a great musical discovery to start the year with!
First Aid Kit 'The Lions roar' - Some really sweet chick driven Americana, like this one a lot. I have their 2010 release, The Big Black & The Blue and although I do enjoy it, this new record is a major step forward. Highly recommended.

Neal - I have to agree, Lana del Rey is a sexy beast, wow. Don't have the record you mention, just a short self titled EP. After I read your post I did a quick video/pic Google, chick sure does have a look.
Amelia Curran sounds interesting. Listened to Hunter, Hunter which I think I will order. She is also new to me.
IMHO, Amelia Curran (who I believe I learned of from Richard) is tickling genius. She has a bit of that Dylanesque, "I don't know what that means but it's moving," goofiness in her lyrics. And a wrenching, "old soul," voice, which is quite lovely (thus ending the comparison to Dylan) I play both "Hunter, Hunter" and "War Brides" to death; they are GwG classics, and can't wait for more.

Another really nice one that was new to me in '11 is Caroline Herring, "Golden Apples of the Sun." I tried a couple of her earlier records, and they're less good, but "Golden Apples" is awfully nice.
