2012 Discoveries

What new artists or music are you discovering in 2012 ?
I am always searching for new leads here and elsewhere.
Harry Manx may not be new to you but he is to me and I recently bought his album 'In Good we Trust' -- a great musical discovery to start the year with!
Mike , have you heard Damien Jurado's new album called Maraqopa? It's a masterpiece IMO. It's a concept album of a dream he had. Best to listen to it in its entirety if you can. I would call the style of music for this album to be psychedelic folk.
my recent discoveries are dated, but there are no rules on the internet, so:
1. cotton mather, kon tiki (2012 reissue of 1997 cd)--quite brilliant power pop with monster hooks and unusual depth. alternatively elvis costello-ish or beatlesque, but not slavishly so. in a parallel universe the lead guy would be a superstar.
2. dylan: a biography (book) by bob spitz)--i'm digging this; it's really well written and incisive. seems to have garnered a lot of negative reviews, who find it mean-spirited or a hack job, but i disagree--it seems balanced and gets inside the guy's head. according to this book, dylan's tested iq was a very average 106, which suprised me.
Try a copy of the new release from Mickey Hart (Grateful Dead drummer)new band The Mickey Hart Band "Mysterium Tremendum" Its very nice and strong and will take your speakers and system for a ride...give it a listen
Yes, another vote for Mickey Hart's new cd. It is his best one in my opinion.