are digital recordings on vinyl any better than CD

I have several LPs from the early/mid 80s that are digital recordings.They sound clear and crisp but lack bloom somewhat compared to analog recordings.Given that they are digital to start with is there any advantage to these over the CD of the same recording?
Your CD is digital that's turned to analog. The vinyl record is digital turned to analog. How could it be better? I'm sure people who like LP's will say it's better. But since I'm most concerned with the music, maybe I shouldn't have posted.
I think they still sound more natural and open with a clarity that only comes from vinyl.
This subject was discussed before though I don't quite remember where.
The short answer is, yes, it still can sound better on vinyl. How much better? It depends, including on your equipment.
I would say no advantage. I have some of these LP's that were "digitally mastered" in the 80's...not very impressive. Oddly enough they charged more $$$ back then for digital mastering. If you can find the same LP w/o the digital mastering it will sound better and cost less.
Inna, that's not fair. "including the equipment" Someone with a 5K tonearm, and a 3K cartridge was bragging about how his rig sounded so much better than CD. I should hope so.

Here they come, "The Vinyliter's", that religious group that's so prominent here on the "Gon". They even claim that a Dual sounds better than the best digital.

Well, I guess it's time for me to "duck and cover".