Extremely well recorded jazz double bass? cymbals?

I'm trying to decide on some speakers and have concerns about their ability to resolve on stand up bass.

Can you recommend a CD with acoustic, stand up bass on which you can hear the "wood," the "whiz" of the strings vibrating in the air...or just, something with fine detail?

Several of my CDs have great, prominent bass (Ray Brown, Patricia Barber, Diana Krall) but it's not that well recorded.

Would also appreciate something well recorded at the other end: extremely detailed cymbal and drums.

The Bass on Dave Brubeck's "Take Five" studio recording has been a pretty good indicator for me.
Good speakers have allowed me to distinguish the spatial difference between the note and slap/string noise. (The slap sounds like it is coming from a higher position than the note which sounds like it's coming from the body of the bass-like it would sound to you in person). This was through Dynaudio Special Ones, driven by Rotel 1080-BX. Source was cd played on a Harman Kardon DVD player
in an acoustically lousy small room with a tube tv and entertainment center between the speakers. I only mention it because your system/room and set-up are likely better.
Thank you all. Some great suggestions.

If you have never heard your CDs on a system that resolves the way a $100k system at the shop does, what is the point of listening to your CDs? You don't know what resolution is there and what's not even if you have listened to them 100 times. And there may not be anything there. That's why I am asking for CDs on which the resolution in the bass IS there.

You can't test a speaker with a poorly recorded CD. You can only tell how well the CD is recorded to the level your accustomed speakers can resolve.
For good cymbal sound check out releases from ECM. Joke was that ECM stood for "Extra Cymbal Mic" :^) Terrific sound all around.