Best Rock Album in 2012

Ok folks, let's get another one started. Best yearly thread for us rock fans.

Not really rock, but like Gotye "Making Mirrors" so far.


I think Jack White's 'Blunderbuss' solo album is the best rock album to come out in years. It's an instant classic and I wouldn't be surprised if it takes home a grammy. As a bonus, it was mastered to near perfection and I've read in several reviews that the vinyl is amazing.
i know i sound old and jaded, but i gotta agree with the rock-is-dead folks. lots of good electronic and folkie stuff (thanks to richardstacy, dgarretson good recs) but nuthin' much in the mainstream. i took a look at amazon's 50 best of 2012 and (jack white and alabama shakes aside), almost none of 'em were actually rock. the best i've heard this year is "leaving of london" by the bevis frond, which is neither groundbreaking or different--he's been cranking out this stuff for years, but i love it. for the unitiated, bevis frond is the nom de plume of a very british songwriter/guitar shredder named nick salmon (sp?), usually likened to syd barrett. lots of long acid jams, but also hooky pop and folkie tunes of surprising wit and delicacy. very mannered, english vocals; such a great guitarist you don't always grasp how good the songs are. fans of pink floyd and hendrix will like this--check out "an old vice" on youtube or wherever.
have a great weekend y'all.
Loomis, thanks. I'll check out Bevis Frond. Admittedly the folk and freak folk scene has been of late a richer vein than R&R-- as witnessed by this week's release of Bonnie Prince Billy Now Here's My Plan. A few other good ones include The Walkmen "Heaven"(which IMO gets the nod over Mumford & Sons), Beachwood Sparks Tarnished Gold(a welcome reunion of one of the better indies), and Fionna Apple's The Idler Wheel.

Now getting closer to R&R, Neil Young's under-rated Americana is damned good Crazy Horse. Patti Smith's Banga is her freshest sound in along while. IMO she does authenticity without mawkishness better than anyone left from the '70s, and this is most certainly R&R. The liner notes alone are worth the price.

All on vinyl, of course.
Really love the new Beach House album "Bloom". Also, the new Jimmy Cliff album. Both are on heavy rotation.
That new Jimmy Cliff is the real deal. I heard an interview with Jimmy on NPR. Really nice. Sounds like his early stuff.