Wish List of LPs to be re-released

This is my wish list of LPs I would love to see being remastered and re-issued . The originals I have are either too worn out or the 2nd hand copies way to expensive.
For starters:
1. Beethoven Piano Sonatas- 8,14 and 23. Either Brendel or Glen Gould.
2. Pink Floyd - Final Cut
3.Roger Waters- Amused to Death; Pros and Cons of Hitchiking; Radio KAOS
4.Any Dylan LP with "Brownsville Girl"
5. Dylan - Biograph 5 LP box set.
Please chime in with your suggestions. Hopefully some record company honchos will tune in
Joni Mitchell - Song to a Seagull
Dave Liebman - Lookout Farm (ECM)
Tom Rush - Circle Game
1. Any vinyl by Alice Babs. Never can get descent original used one. Got few in fair condition.
2. Any CMP records vinyls. Unfotunately this company went out of business, but the music they recorded is unique any album you take.
3. Any Carla Bley records long time ago way out of print in any format.
4. Haven't seen any Van Der Graaf Generator albums re-released as well...
Most of Van Morrison (except for Astral weeks which was done recently enough) prior to 1975.
Thanks Jadem6 for the recommendation. I'm a HUGE Dire Straits fan and had not purchased this music before. I downloaded the MP3 from Amazon today. Everyone seems to really like the album based on the reviews. It's almost like the swan song end to Tears for Fears when they ended their run. If it's that good, then it should be re-issued on vinyl - ten times better than digital when manufactured properly to exacting quality control standards. In my opinion, we need to re-start stateside vinyl production as well as tube production (RCA, Tung Sol, Western Electric) for audio equipment.