Boz Scaggs

Greetings. I bought the latest CD from Boz yesterday (Memphis) and have been playing pretty much continuously the last 24 hrs. So impressed by the recording. Great songs, great musicians, great sound. I, like many, am familiar with him from Silk Degrees from decades ago, hear one of the new songs (Gone Baby Gone) on the car radio yesterday and decided to listen more so bought the disc. Highly recommended if you like this sound.
Lucky me (I hope)-am seeing him Sunday evening, a first for me, and am expecting greatness. I know I won't be disappointed.
He did not disappoint. I much preferred his new material, although he did his old hits extremely well, and had a wonderful band. Highly recommended.
I haven't heard any Boz in eons! I'll check this one out. Thanks for the tip.
Saw him in Houston a few weeks ago. Good show but crowd was very reserved. He closed with Loan Me A Dime and said he had one more tour in him.