I agree with Reprince re Colin Davis's Stravinsky, an easy recommendation. His vinyl records should be easy to find. It was very popular. Re MTT's Rites, if you can find his 1966 version with the SFO on vinyl pick it up.
Now if you want to get your socks blown off Bernstein's 1958 performance with the NYSO will do it for you. If you can find it! Columbia Masterworks. FWIW, if you really like this piece, and are not just looking for the 'best' recording to demo your vinyl audio system, this is now out on CD and really should be heard.
Now if you want to get your socks blown off Bernstein's 1958 performance with the NYSO will do it for you. If you can find it! Columbia Masterworks. FWIW, if you really like this piece, and are not just looking for the 'best' recording to demo your vinyl audio system, this is now out on CD and really should be heard.