Why does most new music suck?

Ok I will have some exclusions to my statement. I'm not talking about classical or jazz. My comment is mostly pointed to rock and pop releases. Don't even get me started on rap.... I don't consider it music. I will admit that I'm an old foggy but come on, where are some talented new groups? I grew up with the Beatles, Who, Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin, Hendrix etc. I sample a lot of new music and the recordings are terrible. The engineers should be fired for producing over compressed shrill garbage. The talent seems to be lost or doesn't exist. I have turned to some folk/country or blues music. It really is a sad state of affairs....Oh my god, I'm turning into my parents.
I couldn't agree more. But keep in mind that within conservatism live the checks and balances, the anchor to the future. Without which there is no new starting point. Without market driven formulas there is no dissent. This is the earmark of the artist, is it not? However when it comes to music, there is only so much gold in the mine. As it is depleted, so also is the karat value of the alloy.
Csontos, You've a keen eye. Yes, a firm foundation is needed to proceed from. It's just the resistance part I hate. And boundaries are needed to know where to proceed from, where to test the waters. And yes, there is nothing new under the sun, just the shady spots that haven't yet been explored. :-)

All the best,
But what if the shady spots aren't shady after all? What if they are simply your own personal discovery in retrospect? What is the value of sifting through a heap of scrap hoping to find a lost treasure when it's alive and well right where it belongs?
What I alluded to is what has yet to be seen or discovered, maybe anew, or simply overlooked or needing a new twist or take. We all create based on what we know, what is passed on freely from others, and some times we invent, creating something great out of many plain and ordinary pieces.

As for what's hidden in plain sight (I think that's what you meant), I'm famous for missing those gems.

All the best,
We're kind of on the same page. I'm talking about all the thousands of pre 90's recordings you haven't heard yet.