Why does most new music suck?

Ok I will have some exclusions to my statement. I'm not talking about classical or jazz. My comment is mostly pointed to rock and pop releases. Don't even get me started on rap.... I don't consider it music. I will admit that I'm an old foggy but come on, where are some talented new groups? I grew up with the Beatles, Who, Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin, Hendrix etc. I sample a lot of new music and the recordings are terrible. The engineers should be fired for producing over compressed shrill garbage. The talent seems to be lost or doesn't exist. I have turned to some folk/country or blues music. It really is a sad state of affairs....Oh my god, I'm turning into my parents.
In the good old days of music/audio (the 70's for me) I used to listen to the radio to discover new music I liked.

Tougher these days, especially if one is not disposed to like modern pop music. I qualify but only to an extent, because I constinue to find new stuff I like, just not as frequently perhaps as in the past. My 12 year old daughter has no problem whatsover, and her musical tastes are quite broadly developed I would say for someone her age.

Fortunately, internet radio and music services provide the avenue for most who want to discover new music these days. If one can't do it there, I might go so far as to predict one might be doomed to a life of musical boredom. Better find another hobby! :^)
Another way I discover new music without incurring too much risk or expense is to look for CDs on the cheap wherever I might find them, Goodwill store, yard sales, ebay, amazon, wherever and just take a chance for whatever reason. Then the CD goes onto my music server. THen I set the player to random play. Now I've programmed my own music station with a lot of music I have not yet heard but think I may like. When a track comes on that I like (most of the time in fact) I have no prior expectations so I cannot be dissapointed. I find something to like in most everything that comes my way. And as an "audiophile", I suppose, it mostly all sounds great! If it did not, I would be less disposed to spend the time needed listening. But that's another story...
I liked my youtube, didn't care for the others.

Closed Minded? Stating an opinion is not being closed Minded. ATTACKING someone for their opinion, IS being Closed Minded. This site is rife with that attitude. I think the shrinks call it 'projection'.

It's so pervasive, the members don't even notice it. They only get upset when someone dares to disagree with 'their' beliefs.

Most of this so-called new stuff submitted, is just soundtrack music for the video portion. The video is just as, or even more important than the music. They cannot be seperated. Crank it up and go to another room and listen. There is nothing there.

Narcissism? That only applies to the rock bands submitted. I didn't sense any effort to connect with the audience. It was all about themselves. Totally self absorbed.

The Stones were the Stones and the Beatles were the Beatles for a reason. And these unknowns are unknown for a reason. I think they will be NEW for a long time.

Mapman, it's just my perspective, I suppose. I don't mean to stink up the thread but in my mind it stands to reason that one would have to really flog it into acceptability. The very nature of being an audiophile is isolating. However virtually all younger people I've encountered into rap and the new stuff also love the early stuff. Interesting how this problem doesn't exist in reverse. Boring? Maybe if there was only a few tunes to play over and over. But my collection consists of less than 500 albums. I haven't even touched the surface and I dare say no one here has heard anywhere near the full gamut of what's been done in the past.