Best movies last two years

I haven't watched many dramas lately. Best was "Love Song for Bobby ...".

What have you enjoyed ?
I'm going to add Serenity to that list in case you haven't rented the Firefly DVD's yet. The best thing since Babylon 5, or Doctor Who - and an engaging cast as well. And the DP Jack Green shot it - go on: rent it. Do it. Do it NOW.
Ice Age 2 (outstanding production!) Looking forward to seeing "The Da Vinci Code" in May since I just read the book.
"Sin City" A movie that should be watched more than once for it's subtleties to rise through the grotesque. Mickey Rourke was excellent.
Actually I thought the grotesquerie of "Sin City" became it's own sort of poetry - I also really loved the graphic novel and it was surprising to me how "true" the film felt to it. Mickey Rourke is one of the all time most underrated actors: "Pope of Greenwich Village". Need I say more?