Did you bring it to copurt?Idfhe was passed out well you should have had a cvase.Man sh*t like that reminds that revenge is a dish best served cold and though I have ben taken here and there for a few hundred or a thousand in the ultimate scheme of things it didn'seem, worth putiting a dent into my karma card(come to think of it a fe of thjose incidenmts are still dorecent they still fill my nostrils).But $20K (adjusted for inflation) I can't think of how many cars he would have had tore-car paint jobs or teeth re-set.Your quite a guy though and hopefully paid off karma wise in the long run.
Did you bring it to copurt?Idfhe was passed out well you should have had a cvase.Man sh*t like that reminds that revenge is a dish best served cold and though I have ben taken here and there for a few hundred or a thousand in the ultimate scheme of things it didn'seem, worth putiting a dent into my karma card(come to think of it a fe of thjose incidenmts are still dorecent they still fill my nostrils).But $20K (adjusted for inflation) I can't think of how many cars he would have had tore-car paint jobs or teeth re-set.Your quite a guy though and hopefully paid off karma wise in the long run.