Worst Name for A Piece of Equipment

There is a CD player with a good reputation that goes by the name fog. I don't think any audiophile would want a CD player to sound foggy. What other names do you know which are a contradiction in terms or are simply unpleasant sounding.
Fried loudspeakers - don't know why someone would want a speaker that had been used by headbangers etc. at lease breking levels

Audiostatic - the last thing I want to hear

Broken Lamp Amp Company - love the name, but if the lamp broke, who knows what condition the amp's in

ARC pre/power amplifiers - again, was there any damage?

Pink Triangle - do I really need to explain?!?

Ack! DAC - Does the commercial have a duck quacking over a bunch of unaware people? Seems to be a great product, though

Aloia - sounds like a New Yawker saying "a lawyer"

CAT - better than calling your product a dog...

Yamamura - NOBODY talks about my mama!!!

Xhifi - well, what do they do now?

Wattgate - no, open the doors

Virtual Bass Technologies - no, thanks. I'll take the real stuff

Voyd Turntables - I thought analog was supposed to be more seamless than digital

OK, I'm getting tired of typing, but I wouldn't mind some T+A...
Bob Crump designed an excellent line conditioner named:


It certainly isnt' the most exotic or attractive name for a good piece of equipment.

scout scoutmaster super scoutmaster etc......tops the ford probe....what were they thinking?
The entire 'Manley' line in this hobby noticeably oversupplied with testerone.