Best Integrated Amp Of All Times?

According to you, what is the best integrated amp of all times?
Yamaha CR2020. For the money from 1977-79 this and the CR1020 were quite terrific. Even so by today's standards with a lot of these units still in perfect working condition.
I had the CR1020 (70 watts per channel I believe) with New Advents. Very nice sound. The CR1020 just dies in the late 80s. I still have the Advents, trying to figure out what to do with them. I hooked them up the other day and they sounded suprisingly good. Very good soundstage and depth.
The woofer surrounds are good. I had them redone at some point. The only problem is there's a three way switch on the back for the tweeter. Extended - Normal - Reduced. With one of the speakers only extended works. Is this a crossover problem or a switch problem? Any suggestion on how to repair this? I think the only way to get inside is by removing the woofer. With a digital source extended is not good as you might imagine.