Best rock song of all times

Only one answer please.
Not the best written or the best musical complexity but the one that represents the rock.

My choice: Satisfaction - Rolling Stones

- first notes are like the 5th of Beethoven (when you hear those notes, everybody pumps up the volume)
- still very up to date
- a mix of rock and blues rock and Motown sound
- lyrics talks about disatisfaction of young people vs life, politics, money and women (even B Dylan like that song)
- music is very basic as a good rock song should be
Immigrant Song - Led Zeppelin, White Riot - The Clash, Street Fighting Man - Rolling Stones, Helter Skelter - The Beatles, Debaser - The Pixies, Scentless Apprentice - Nirvana, American Idiot - Green Day, Stay with me - Faces, Baba O'Riley - The Who, Don't Look Back in Anger - Oasis, Sweet Child o' Mine - Gun's N Roses
Bigpond--If you like "Do-Ya" by ELO, listen to the original version by the Move.
Highway To Hell- AC/DC
If I had to express to someone what Rock is with just one song, this would be it! It has everything that Rock is. Nasty string bending, witty lyrics with some "badness", snarly signing, raunchy guitar, and a driving beat! This is what I understand Rock to be (and I love it!!!). Not Metal, not Pop, not Rock and Roll, but Rock.
Gonna' throw it on now!