What equipment do you most regret parting with??

Any audio equipment from speakers to phono stages...what do you wish you never gave up?
McIntosh MC2000, it always sounded good witht whatever it was paired with, and looked bitchin!
A Musical Fidelity A-20 (20 watts Class A) integrated, glossy black minimalist front panel ... great synergy with Nautilus 804s ... convinced myself that some expensive Classé amps would make the B&Ws sing ... and they did, but the A-20 was a nicer match for those speakers ... I always regretted not holding onto that MF integrated ... it didn't even cost that much when new ... truly a bonehead mistake
A pair of Mac 240s hooked up to a Marantz 7C driving a pair of Cartwell LS3/5as. Shear synergy.
My B&W CDM1 speakers. Sexy looking and good sounding, I'd love to have them in my second system today.
Dynaco amp. Bought it for a tenner and sold for a hundred. What was I thinking?