This is getting a bit off track but JFK's death did have far reaching effects. His attempts (with RFK) to aggressively pursue and prosecute organized crime certainly affected every country in which those groups operated. Millions of revenue dollars were the result of the prostitution, gambling, and drug enterprises they operated.
Many historians believe that "The Mob" was involved in his assassination although Oliver Stone took exceptional liberties, IMO, in his interpretation.
One could go on and on regarding Viet Nam, Cuba, the FBI, and who knows what all but Kennedy's death was an event of global impact both immediate and long term.
Many historians believe that "The Mob" was involved in his assassination although Oliver Stone took exceptional liberties, IMO, in his interpretation.
One could go on and on regarding Viet Nam, Cuba, the FBI, and who knows what all but Kennedy's death was an event of global impact both immediate and long term.